The Process of Change

“People go through four stages before any revolutionary development: 1) It's nonsense; don't waste my time. 2) It's interesting, but not important. 3) I always said it was a good idea. 4) I thought of it first.”

– Arthur C. Clarke

Each of us, regardless of the industry we work in; or the point where we are in life or career, is always at one of these stages.  Understand that this is a cycle – by the time you are saying , “I thought of it first,” you are likely to say “It's nonsense” about something else.

The only certainty in life is change.  How we approach change – our attitude towards the inevitability of change is what counts:

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”

– Bertha Calloway

Book Review – Winning the Toughest Customer

If you are in sales or marketing you need to get this book – and take its message to heart.  That is, if you really want to grow your sales or market share.

This is not a “preachy” book.  It doesn't shout, “Understand women or else…”  Yes, the statistics are compelling: Women make or influence over 80% of all purchases made in America today; 48% of all privately-held businesses in the USA are majority woman-owned, etc.  But the book is really about understanding how to sell to anyone the way they want to be sold to, in the way that will make them want to buy from you and keep them coming back for more.  A winning approach!

There is no “psycho-babble” here.  Just a very well-written logical approach to understanding how women think, why the react as they do and how to reach them – and keep them as customers – and as a valuable source of referrals.

Here are two key concepts from the book:

“Many women will buy from you not because they understand what you are selling but because you understand !”

“A woman will buy when she feels confident about her decision.  What women want is information enabling them to gain the confidence they need to move the sale forward,  What they want is the knowledge necessary to make a good decision for themselves.”

I read this book just before my wife hosted a bridal shower for 30 women at our house.  As I silently listened and observed their conversations and actions the concepts that Delia Passi presented in this book really “rang true.” 

If you have ever grown frustrated trying to sell to a woman; gotten angry when they said, ” I have to think about this some more.” or just generally wondered why it takes woman so long to make up their mind – if they ever do… the payoff for you is:

“The time spent acquiring and retaining women customers will ultimately lead to more business generated per customer, twice as many referrals, and a tendency to create greater word-of-mouth marketing for you and your brand.”

I'm sold!  And I now have a better understanding of how to sell to and understand women.  I recommend this book

Winning the Toughest Customer.jpg

Winning the Toughest Customer

I posted a new photo to Photos.

How Do I Find a Donor?

It is not too difficult to find potential donors and grantmakers.  The difficulty is finding the right grantmaker for your organization and your program(s).  There are hundreds of thousands of organizations that give money or provide in-kind services each year.  The database of Grantsmart contains the public record tax returns (IRS Document 990-PF) for 103,193 private foundations and charitable trusts.  Add in the millions of individuals who give money, goods and service time each year and the list of possible donors is virtually limitless.


And that is exactly the point.  If you want to be successful in obtaining grants you must “limit” your search for donors and grantmakers.  Actually, a better word is “focus.”  Learn to focus your search efforts.  Here is some great advice on researching funders direct from The Foundation Center website:


“Researching funders that will turn out to be good prospects takes time, but the results should be well worth this investment.  Be realistic in your expectation.  Foundations and other grantmakers cannot meet all or even most of your financial needs.  The vast majority of the money given to nonprofit organizations is actually donated by individuals.  Foundations and corporations combined currently provide approximately 16.5% of all philanthropic gifts, but their grants can make up an important part of your support.

Do not make the mistake of focusing all your efforts on one ‘ideal’ funder.  Your prospect list should include a number of options.  Even the most experienced proposal writers receive many more letters of rejection than they do grants.  You should avoid compiling a list of several hundred ‘pie-in-the-sky’ prospects and sending off a mass mailing of your proposal.  Approaching a funder for support is a highly individualized process that should be conducted in a businesslike manner.”

Great advice – from the experts!  There are several key points in those two paragraphs that we will discuss in future posts.


As you focus your research note the following common limitations:

  1. Geographic – many foundations and corporations limit eligibility for grants to specific geographic areas.  Observe and respect this!
  2. Financial – What is the range of grants that this foundation makes?  If they state that no grant will exceed $10,000, don’t ask for $25,000.  Not only will you be rejected immediately, you will have earned a terrible reputation for not respecting the wishes of the grantmaker.
  3. Timing – Many foundations have specific time frames for considering grant applications.  By all means, respect this – submitting your application late – even by one hour means instant rejection.
  4. Type of Grant – The foundation will most likely state the type of grants (operational, programmatic, endowment, etc.) that they will fund.  This is mandated by the charter of each foundation and you must respect it.  We will discuss this further in a subsequent post.


To assist you with your research I once again point you to The Foundation Center’s website.  Here is the URL for a practical and concise “Prospect Worksheet.:  This is for institutions but they also have one for individual prospects.  You have your choice of format: PDF, Word, Excel, etc.  This is an invaluable tool – please take advantage of it!

Show me the money

When I begin a presentation on Grant Writing, I frequently ask audience members if they remember the famous line from the 1996 film, “Jerry Maguire.”  Cuba Gooding, Jr. plays a talented athlete and he memorably asks his agent (Tom Cruise) to “Show me the Money!”

And since you are reading an article on seeking grants, I can imagine that that is your first thought – “Who has the money and how can I get it – fast?”

Fortunately, thanks to the mostly volunteer efforts of the people who run Grantsmart, researching potential sources of funding is relatively easy.  You can start your research from any computer that has Internet access.

The Grantsmart website – has scanned, sorted and disseminates all public record tax returns for Private Foundations and Charitable Trusts in the USA.  As of July, 2006 their search-able database contains 611,494 tax returns for 103,193 foundations and trusts.  This is a massive undertaking (by Grantsmart) but for you – the Grant Seeker – it is an incredible resource!

Because the IRS has granted non-profit status to these foundations and trusts their tax returns are a matter of public record.  The specific section of the return that you want to look at is Form 990 and it is located towards the end of each tax return.

In exchange for permitting non-profit status, the government mandates that each foundation and trust actually spend a portion of their assets each year.  Generally, they must spend 5% of their assets each year or risk losing their status as a non-for-profit organization.

When you look at each Form 990 you will see which individuals or organizations received funding – and the amount of each grant – for that tax year.

Here's how to get the most out of the search-able database of Grantsmart.  I'll detail an actual search that I did this morning:

1) First I searched for all foundations in CA – California, that had assets greater than $10 million dollars.  This returned 269 tax returns – for the year 2005 – sorted in alphabetical order.

2) Once I found a few recognizable names I clicked to see the actual tax return – via the free Adobe PDF format.  I made a few notes in my records for later research.  I was looking for foundations and trusts that might fund a program for one of my clients.

3) I narrowed the search down by Zip Code.  Looking at a single Zip Code I found on 1 foundation with assets greater than $10 million for the year 2005.

4) When I lowered my threshold to foundations with assets greater than $100,000 I found 15 foundations and trusts.

When you are looking for more information about possible funders, Grantsmart is a great starting point.  Be sure to keep a notebook handy and also write down the 9-digit EIN (Employer Informant ion Number) for each foundation that you are interested in.  Having this EIN number handy will facilitate future searches.

Be sure to look at the individuals and organizations who received grants from the foundation.  You may recognize them!  If so, do additional research – what made them attractive to the foundation?  What were they able to accomplish with the grant?  Does the foundation still fund programs in this area?

Please share your questions and stories with our readers.  We want to hear from you!



Funding for the Arts Month

I just received an email newsletter from The Foundation Center.  They announced that October is their 5th Annual Funding for The Arts Month!

During the month of October they will:

1) List up-to-the-minute information on foundations funding the Arts.

2) Profile groups, programs and individuals who have received funding/

3) Meet key grantmakers who support the Arts, and much more.

Click here for the Press Release announcing Funding for the Arts Month.

If you are in or are interested in The Arts you should sign up for their free monthly newsletter – Arts Funding Watch.  Click here for a sample.

I will commit to contributing at least 3 posts a week during October to share my knowledge, experience and insigts on funding for The Arts.

Please feel free to ask questions about funding and grant opportunities for The Arts.  I will do my best to answer them.  We also would like to hear from individuals and groups who have received grants for Arts programs.  Please share your experiences with our readers.

The Arts Matter.  Let's make a difference!

Fear of Public Speaking

“We want you to give a little talk at next month’s meeting…”  Those words are enough to send most people into a state of panic.  Would you offer to speak or would you flee?  Do you have a fear of speaking in public?  Have you ever considered that this fear – and your lack of skill in public speaking – is hindering your career? 

It is and it does.  To succeed in business you must be able to effectively communicate your message.  It is not just the words that you say that matter.  You also must use a tone of voice that matches your words if you want your audience to believe you and to be receptive to your message.

Here is a little exercise that I use when I coach clients on improving their presentations.  It is especially effective in helping to overcome the fear of speaking in public:

1) Tell a story – any story.  Something that you heard or saw today.  Something that you read – but don’t read the story.  Rephrase the story using your own words.

2) You can start this exercise alone – but speak it out loud!  You might feel silly at first, but find a quiet place and just start telling the story.  Stand when you speak and look at your surroundings as you tell the story – this is one audience that will not laugh at you nor fall asleep!

3) As you gain confidence, ask a close friend to listen to you as you tell your story – you don’t have to tell them that you are practicing for a speech.

4) Children’s bedtime stories are great sources to use for your practice.  Notice how your tone of voice changes during the story!  Notice how you naturally speed up and slow down as the story evolves.  Notice how – in this case – you achieve the desired effect: your audience does fall asleep!

Audiences will remember a story. They will most likely forget the facts and figures from your presentation. But they will remember a personal story – especially if it is told well. Start collecting stories – and always find an opportunity to tell people that story – you are practicing and building your skill set.

The best public speakers are the best story tellers.  Notice how they skillfully incorporate stories in their presentations.  Learn how to communicate – tell your story!

Modern Marketing

I'm a big Tony Bennett fan – I am sure that I own every album and video he has ever produced.  Last month, in Vanity Fair Magazine I read an interview with Tony and his son Danny about the release of a new album – DUETS – to celebrate his 80th birthday.  It sounded interesting and I made a mental note to look for it the next time I was in a record store.

Yesterday, I received the current issue of Vanity Fair and was really surprised to see a full-page ad for this new album sponsored by Target – yes TAR-JEE! – the department store!  Selling CDs???

And not just that – a special limited edition of the album – including bonus DVD content documenting the making of the album – OK, now I am really excited – I LOVE to watch what takes place in the recording studio – I'm buying this ASAP – but… I really don't want to / nor do I have time to – run down to Taget to buy this.

So… this morning I log on to Amazon to order the album – I don't even have the time to get to Tower Records or Barnes & Noble – AND… I want this album now!

Once I am on the Amazon website, I see the reviews for the album – all very positive – and nost of them VERY detailed!  Now I find the Target connection – and this causes my dilema.  Target is sponsoring a special November 21st broadcast of Tony Bennett's 80th Birthday celebration and the making of this DUET album.  ONLY, Target has the exclusive right to sell this Limited Edition of the album with the DVD content included!

My dilema – bite the bullet and go down to Target to get the Limited Edition – AND pay full price?  Or, go to a record or bookstore and bring home the album today – and forgo the Bonus DVD content?  Hey, I'll just remember to TiVo the broadcast when it airs in November – RIGHT!  Or, order it now from Amazon – AND get a nice discount AND buy a special bundle that includes the new Diana Krall album – AND get free shipping!!!  What am I to do?

Real world lesson – these are choices that your customers face each day – and challenges for anyone in retailing and manufacturing.  Customers have incredible access to information and many choices of how and where to purchase.  How do you stand out from the crowd?  Can you make your offering unique and compelling?  To survive today, you MUST!

Bottom line?  I have decided that the bonus DVD content is what I really want the most – and since it is only available at Target – Target gets the sale!

Remembering Bill Schultz

I just learned that Bill Schultz, the retired Chairman & CEO of Fender Guitar has passed away.  Bill was a terrific guy, a music industry legend and he will be sorely missed.

As a young man in the industry, Bill made a tremendous impact on me.  For many years I attended the Musik Messe in Frankfurt, Germany.  Bill and I were both early risers and frequently we were the first people at the breakfast buffet each morning.  We would chat pleasantly for a few minutes most mornings.  Sometimes, we only exchanged a nod of recognition.

That Bill would even know who I was, let alone be interested in what I had to say and think gave my self-confidence a great boost!  Bill was a humble man.  Many other executives would never have even looked in my direction.  Bill was always approachable and interested in learning.

Bill's accomplishments were legendary.  We are a better industry and music education has greatly benefitted because of Bill's efforts and dedication.

Fender has a lovely tribute to Bill on the home page.  Please take a few minutes to visit and remember our good friend.