During a recent training class, I demonstrated several Keyboard and Mouse-click shortcuts for selecting and finding data. Several people in the class had “A-Ha” moments. So, I created this video lesson to share these shortcuts with you.
Here are the steps to follow in this Excel Video Lesson:
- To select all of the contiguous data cells, make one cell the “Active Cell”. Ctrl+A will then select all of the cells in that data block.
- If you then click Ctrl+A a second time, you will select every cell in the worksheet. This is handy when you need to “AutoFit the column width in the worksheet.
- Use Ctrl+End to go to the last cell in your data set. Ctrl+Home will return you to the Top cell in the data set.
- To find a blank cell in a column, position your mouse at the bottom of the “active cell” and double-click. This takes you to the last cell that contains data in that column.
- To select all of the cells w/ data in a column use the Ctrl+Shift+ Down Arrow. Use the appropriate Arrow Key to select cell containing data in a Row.
- Quickly copy a Formula to all of the cells in the column. Position the mouse in the lower right corner of the cell with the formula and double-click.