My 5-Star Excel Video Lessons on YouTube

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I have posted several of my MS Excel 2003 Video Lessons on YouTube. The YouTube community votes  or rates individual videos. I’d like to share the results with you. To make it easy for you to view a video that interests you, I have established “Hyperlinks” to take you directly to that video lesson. Simply click on the title and you can view the tutorial.

Here is a listing of my 5-Star Excel Videos on You Tube:

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

The versatile and valuable =IF() Function

MS Excel’s =IF() Function is a very versatile function and it is used in a variety of situations. Watch this short video lesson to learn how to use it when Grading Scores, Calculating Shipping Rates and “Trapping Errors.”

Here are the steps to follow in this lesson:

  1. The =IF() Function requires three arguments: A “Logical Test” – (which will return either a TRUE of a FALSE Response); the Value if “True,” and the Value if “False.”
  2. In my first example I have set up a simple scoring system for grades. For the Value if TRUE, I have entered “Pass.” Notice that the TEXT must be enclosed in ” “.
  3. In my second example, I have “nested” several =IF() functions inside the Value if FALSE Function Argument. You can “nest” up to 7 different IF() Functions in a formula.
  4. Notice how useful the =IF() Function is when you want to “trap an error.” Especially when you are starting to build a spreadsheet and many cells contain Zeros or NULL Values.

Find the Excel Video Lesson that you want – Index to All Excel Topics

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Don’t Retype! Import a MS Word Outline into PowerPoint

Today’s video tutorial is in response to a viewer’s request. She has a series of MS Word documents created as Outlines. Her new boss wants her to transfer the Outlines into MS PowerPoint. She really does not want to learn PowerPoint. And she definitely does not want to re-type her outlines.

Watch as I demonstrate three ways to import MS Word Outlines into MS PowerPoint.

50 Best Tips Series

50 Best Tips DVD

Here are the steps to follow in this video tutorial:

  • To create a new PowerPoint Presentation. From within PowerPoint, choose File, Open. In the “Files of Type” drop-down menu choose “All Outlines.
  • Be sure that your MS Word document with the outline is closed before you select it!
  • The MS Word Outline is quickly transformed into a PowerPoint Presentation!
  • For the 2nd technique, we are working inside MS Word. We do not have to leave the program. Simply choose File, Send To – MS Office PowerPoint. PowerPoint opens and the Word document is now a PowerPoint Presentation!
  • Tips: While working in MS Word – strip away all manually applied formats (Fonts, Bullet Points, etc.) A keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+A to “Select All” (of the document) and then Ctrl+Spacebar to “strip away all formats.”
  • Only use Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3 formatting in the Word Outline. All Heading 1 text becomes a new PowerPoint Slide. Each Heading 2 text selection becomes a “Bullet Point” in PowerPoint.
  • For the 3rd technique: While working on a PowerPoint presentation, first highlight the slide that you want to MS Word outline to appear after. Choose Insert – Slides from Outline and select the MS Word Document (be sure that you have closed it first.)
  • Find the PowerPoint Video Lesson that you want – Index to all PowerPoint Topics

    News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.


    Tracking my WPM Count

    For my video blog entry yesterday – “Which Presentation Will You Deliver?” – I used a script. I am actually enjoying the discipline of writing and reading the script for these blog entries. My preferred style is to use an outline to guide me as I deliver my presentations. However, I find the “permanence” of an Internet blog demands a more disciplined approach.

    I am not a perfectionist. When recording my video blogs, I do a “straight take” – no pauses and no editing.  Of course, I abandon a recording that contains obvious “flubs” or false starts. But, I am content to publish a video blog entry that is less than perfect. I really don’t have the time to go back an re-record the occasional “vocal blemish.”

    How long?

    My biggest concern is the length of a video blog post. I do not want to condense my posts to fit some arbitrary time limit. My feeling is that if I have something to say, I should post what I want to say – adapting my delivery to fit the chosen media. If my message is compelling, a viewer will stay engaged. And, hopefully, return for more. If not … well, that is my problem. Only time, tracking and feedback from my viewers will help me to find the correct balance between content and time limit.

    Since I have been using a script for my recent videos, I have been able to track my Words-per-minute (WPM) count. For my “Which Presentation Will You Give” entry, the script contains 1,130 words. The video is 7 minutes and 17 seconds. This gives me a wpm count of @ 160. This is my normal speaking rate. This feels like a comfortable rate – to me. How does it feel it you?

    “Eye-Opening” Experience

    Recording my presentations has been “eye-opening” for me. Yes, I deliberately used the description “eye-opening.” I am paying more attention to the graphics and text that I choose for each slide in the PowerPoint presentation. I want to ensure that each slide serves a specific purpose.  Reinforcing my speech and not replacing it. Guiding my audience and not distracting them from my content.

    When I do a “live” presentation I never get to see how my slides interact with my speech. Recording  these short video blog posts allows me to see and analyze the presentation. Of course, there is a missing ingredient – the audience. You.

    So please give me your feedback. What do you think? Do I speak too fast or too slow for you to understand? Do I talk too much or for too long? Is the video blog format useful – for you? What topics would you like to see?

    You can email me – – or add your comments below. I welcome your thoughts.

    News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

    Which Presentation Will You Deliver?

    Dale Carnegie once wrote, “There are three speeches for the one you actually give. The one you practiced … The one you actually gave … and the one you wish you gave?”

    In this video lesson, Danny brings this principle to life. Follow these tips and you will consistently deliver “the presentation that you wish you gave!”

    An experiment – do you prefer the written article or the spoken PowerPoint?

    The Written Word

    Yesterday, I published an article – “How Many Words per Minute (WPM) Do You Speak?”

    The Spoken Word

    Today, I recorded a PowerPoint presentation based on that article – “Did I Get My WPM Count Just Right?

    Both postings discuss the same topic – How fast or slow do you speak? What is your spoken words-per-minute (WPM) count. Each posting offers a different experience.

    I had a different experience while creating and recording the PowerPoint presentation. I needed to add extra words to assist the viewer. Both the video and the article are designed to “stand alone.” However, I felt that the video “needed more explanation.” I had to remember that the viewer could hit the “back button control” on their web browser at any moment!

    Write Your Presentations / Practice Speaking Your Words

    Perhaps it was just the experience of speaking my written words aloud. A practice that I recommend that all writers and editors try at least occasionally. Perhaps it was just me “wishing that I had taken more time in editing yesterday’s article.” A case of “writer’s remorse?

    I hope that you will take some time to read the article AND to view the PowerPoint presentation. I welcome your feedback. Which medium did you prefer – and why? What would you like to see more of? Less of?

    Please add your comments below. Or you can email your comments to me –

    Did I get My WPM Count Just Right?

    As a follow-up to yesterday’s article, I produced a PowerPoint Presentation on the topic of “words-per-minute( WPM) when speaking. Watch – and Listen – this video recording. Am I speaking “too fast”- for you? “Too slow” – for you? Or, is my WPM count “Just right” – for you?

    Yesterday’s written article is 515 words in length. At a normal WPM count of 150, that would make it @ 3 minutes and 45 seconds long. That is a good length for broadcast via the Internet in my experience.

    As I was creating the PowerPoint slide presentation, I realized that I would have to add a few words to the narration. I wanted to ensure that it would make sense to viewers watching the presentation- even with the added visual aids and the graphics on the slides. And, of course, I did deviate from the script occasionally. As best I can determine, this presentation contains 600 words and the video lasts 5 minutes. So my WPM is 120.

    This is much slower than my normal speaking rate (close to 160 WPM.) I wasn’t trying to purposely slow down. After three practice runs, this is the pace that felt natural to me.

    What do you think? Is my WPM “Just right” – for you?

    Please share your comments with our readers and viewers below.

    News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

    How Many Words per Minute (WPM) Do You Speak?

    Most people discover my website by putting these “keywords:” “How Many Words-per-Minute(WPM)?” into their search-engine.

    In preparing this article, I thought of the children’s bedtime story, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.”

    • “Not too fast”
    • “Not too slow”
    • “Just Right”

    “Just the right speaking rate” – so that your audience understands your subject, your words, and your message.

    What is My Speaking Rate? / What is My WPM Count?

     This is faster than the normal range of 120 – 150 wpm. According to professional speech coach Joan Detz:

    “President John F. Kennedy was a notoriously fast talker – often topping 200 words per minute. You certainly don’t want to be that extreme. But, in general, talking a bit fast is better than talking too slow. Why? Speed projects charisma. Slowness projects lethargy and can frustrate listeners.”

    – “It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It.”

    President Kennedy gave memorable speeches.  Nearly 50 years later, I am still moved whenever I hear a recording of his most famous speeches. JFK projected “vigor!” He also used short sentences. And he used powerful “action” words. He wrote and spoke using an “active voice.” He had a focused message. And, he certainly projected “charisma!”

    JFK’s WPM count was “Just Right.”

    So, it is not simply your word count  – the number of words-per-minute that you speak – that matters. Your topic matters. And so does your choice of words, and your manner of delivery. Take all factors together and you will determine what WPM count is “just right.”

    Just look to your audience. They will tell you:

    • Is your audience nodding in agreement? Paying attention? Maintaining eye contact with you as you speak? Your WPM is “Just Right.”
    • Is your audience falling asleep, yawning or looking at the clock? Your WPM is probably “too slow.”  And you and your subject may be boring – to them.
    • Is your audience straining to hear your words? Are they trying, too hard, to concentrate? Your WPM is probably “too fast.”

    In “Secrets of Successful Speakers,” best-selling author, Lilly Walters has this to say:

    “The listener thinks much faster than you talk. People generally speak at 150 words per minute, but think at 600 to 700. So your listeners are able to jump ahead and around the topic. They start adding in all kinds of factors from their own lives and experiences that have very little to do with what you’re talking about. It makes the pieces of information they are juggling in their brains monumental to consider!”

    One proven technique that memorable speakers employ is “The Power of the Pause.”

    “That impressive, eloquent, progressive silence which often achieves a desired effect where no combination of words howsoever felicitous could accomplish it.”

    – Mark Twain

    Recall the words that (fast-talking) President Kennedy delivered in his 1961 Inaugural Address:

    “Ask not what your country can do for you. (Pause, Pause) Ask (Pause, Pause) what you can do for your country.”

    As you play those words back in your mind you realize that that is an ideal example of “The Power of the Pause.”

    Choose your words carefully. Practice your delivery. Check-in with your audience. That is how many words-per-minute you should speak!

    Then, you will be “Just Right!”

    News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

    Related Video

    How to Prepare Your Zip Codes for Mailing Labels

    Clients call me up in a panic. “Danny, we are sending out a direct mail piece and Excel has screwed up our Zip Codes – they only contain 4 numbers! The Post Office can’t deliver the mailing piece this way. Can you help us?”

    Yes I can!

    The problem is not with Excel. The problem is not choosing the correct formatting for the Columns / Fields that contain Zip Codes or Postal Codes.

    At the risk of jeopardizing some lucrative consulting fees, I will demonstrate how to solve this problem in this short Excel Video Tutorial.

    Here are the steps to follow in this Excel Video Lesson:

    1. When you have control over your data, pre-format your Zip Codes column using the “Formant Cells, Number, Special, Zip Code” format.
    2. If your data contains cells with both 4 and 5 digit Zip Codes, use this formula:
    3. =IF(A2<=9999, 0&A2, A2)
    4. Now, you will see some cells formatted as “Text” – aligned to the Left side of the cell and other cells formatted as “Numbers” – aligned to the Right side. Take the next step:
    5. First, Copy the data (the cells w/ the =IF() Function) and choose Paste Special, Values to return the results of the formulas.
    6. With the cells still selected choose, Data, Text-to-Columns and choose “Fixed Length.” After previewing your data, choose the “Format as Text”  button and Finish the Wizard.

    Find the Excel Training Video that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

    News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

    2 reasons to format cells before you enter data in Excel

    Stop! Think! Consider! Develop a plan!

    Before you enter any data in your spreadsheets.

    Ask yourself questions about your data.  Why?

    1. To save yourself time
    2. To maintain consistency in data entries
    3. To prevent GIGO  (Garbage in equals Garbage out)
    50 Best Tips for Excel 2007

    Excel Tips

    In this video lesson I demonstrate the advantages you will obtain when you:

    1. Stop – before you start to enter data
    2. Pre-plan your data list
    3. Format your data fields / columns BEFORE you make your 1st entry

    Here are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

    1. Set up and Format your Column / Field Headers for each data field.
    2. For each Column / Field Header, select the columns and format the cells (Ctrl+1) BEFORE you enter any data.
    3. On the NUMBER tab, choose “Special” to select formats for Social Security #, Phone #, and Zip Code

    News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now available to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

    Find the Free Excel Training Video that you want – Click here to go to my Index of Excel Video Lessons