Excel 2003 Basics – Data Entry

A viewer wrote in to request a few videos that cover “The Basics” in Excel 2003. In this video lesson, I cover the basics of data entry.

Even if you have been using Excel for a number of years, I guarantee that you will pick up one or two tips in this video that will save you time and make you more productive.

Here are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

  1. Excel aligns “text” entries to the left-side of the cell. “Numeric” entries (including Dates & Times) are aligned to the right-side of the cell.
  2. All calculations in Excel MUST start with the =sign. This includes Formulas and Functions. Write formulas that refer to other cells. (Avoid writing formulas that only use constant values.)
  3. When we input data in a cell and press the ENTER key, Excel accepts the entry and makes the cell that is down one row in the column the “Active Cell.”
  4. To input data in the cells of the same row – and continue to use the ENTER key – first select the range of cells in the row.
  5. You can also select a range of cells in adjacent rows and columns. Excel goes down the cells in the column first and then moves automatically to the top row in the next column in your selection.

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Find the Excel Video Lesson that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

Create Custom PowerPoint Shows

I frequently have to create customized PowerPoint presentations, tailored to meet the needs of each audience. Sometimes, the customization means that I only have 1/2 of my normal time to present. Other customizations require that I not disclose certain financial information with a particular audience.

I’m sure that you have had similar challenges. However, don’t go the “File, Save as…” route to create multiple copies of your Master Presentation. And… don’t risk showing “hidden” slides to the wrong audience!

Rather, learn to create multiple Custom Shows within one PowerPoint file. With custom shows prepared, you will always be prepared when your organizer asks you to “cut 15 minutes” from your presentation at the last minute!

Here are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

  1. Choose “Slide Show, Custom Shows, New.” Then type in a name for your custom show.
  2. Select the slides (and the order of your slides) for your custom show. You can also Remove slides from your custom show. Click OK and Close.
  3. When it is time to run your Custom Show, select “Slide Show, Custom Shows, (Highlight the custom show) and Show.”

Find the PowerPoint Video Lesson that you want – Index to all PowerPoint Topics

News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

Learn how Excel calculates time

Today’s lesson builds on the knowledge we gained in the prior video. So, rather than calculate “Dates”in Excel, we will calculate “Time.” Excel stores both Dates and Times as Serial numbers in a cell. This enables us to calculate the amount of time between two dates or two times.

Learning how to properly format the cells that calculate time is crucial to achieving correct results. It is also important to observe the proper syntax for entering times in cells (00:00:00 PM) or Hours: Minutes: Seconds AM or PM)

Here are the steps to follow in this Excel Video Lesson:

  1. Enter a Time function. e.g. =NOW() in a cell. Use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+~ to reveal the serial number for that time.
  2. Excel counts time beginning at 12:00 AM or Midnight. So, the serial number for 6:00AM is 0.25
  3. If you only want to “Time Stamp” a cell, use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+Shift+: (This entry will not update!)
  4. The =TIME() function requires three arguments (Hours, minutes, seconds)
  5. Be careful when performing calculations the show the difference between Start Time and End Time. If the End Time “spans midnight,” Excel will return an error unless…
  6. You use an =IF() Function in this calculation =IF(End_Time<Start_Time, End_Time+1, End_Time)-Start_Time
  7. To Increment a series of cells by 90 minutes use =Start_Time+TIME(1,30,0) and then copy the formula across the cells in the series.
  8. Formats matter! To correctly calculate hours that exceed 24 hours: Use this format – [h]:mm in the cell that contains the calculation.

Find the Excel Video Lesson that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Related Video Lessons

Video Blogging

Over on my “Excels Blog” I have just posted my 50th video blog. The fact that I have accomplished this in less than 2 months still amazes me!

I had a vision for posting short video tutorials on MS Excel topics. Frankly, I couldn’t imagine demonstrating a software program without incorporating video! It would be too dry and dull.

Of course, most of the things that we do today on the Internet are incredible. Technology advances so quickly. What I accept today as “state of the art” will be considered “old school” in just a few months.

So, dear readers, I will start to add some video and audio posts to this blog. The written word will remain in place. I am simply going to add a few new media elements when appropriate.

Meanwhile, I invite you to visit the two Video Blogs that I now have up and running:

Thank you for your continued patronage. I welcome your feedback.

Speak at a comfortable rate during your presentation

I just recorded a new video PowerPoint Presentation for one of my websites. Since I intended to post this video on the website, I wanted to be sure that the total length did not exceed 4 minutes. In Internet-time, that can seem like an eternity!

I had a story to tell – promoting my services as a trainer. So I wanted to make it interesting. I want viewers to watch the entire video – it comes in at 3 1/2 minutes. And, of course, I wanted to conclude the video with a strong “call to action” – contact me to discuss my training services.

Here are the steps that I followed to create and record the PowerPoint video:

  1. I wrote a short story board – Opening slide, Introduce me, What I do, How I do it, etc.
  2. This came out to 8 slides. I then created them in PowerPoint.
  3. I made sure that I followed the “Four-by-Four” rule with my bullet points. Only 3 of the 8 slides contain bullet points.
  4. I wrote my script. This was an easy step since I had been writing my script “in my head” as I created the PowerPoint slides.
  5. The script come in at 570 words. I read it aloud several times and then I timed it.
  6. My first reading – at performance level – came in at 3 1/2 minutes. That is a speaking rate of 163 words-per-minute (wpm). A little fast – but it felt comfortable to me.
  7. I made a test (audio) recording and I was happy with the script. I made a few changes – where I stumbled over a word or two.
  8. Now it was time to record the PowerPoint presentation (video & audio together.) I added “Heading 2” styles to my script at each point where I was to advance the slide.
  9. I had 2 false starts. Because I had written my script and rehearsed prior to the recording, I finished the project in just 2 takes.

Give me your feedback after watching the video. What do you think? Did I speak too fast? Was my story clear? etc.

Add your comments below.

And, yes, you can contact me if you want to engage my services!


News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

My 50th Free Excel Training Video is On-line!

Wow! In just under two months’ time, I have posted 50 free Excel Training Videos!

I hope that you have been enjoying them half as much as I have in creating them. Please drop me an email – danny@thecompanyrocks.com – to give me your feedback. Tell me what you like. Tell me what you don’t like – and why not. And, also tell me what you would like to see more of (or less of, for that matter!)

I will answer your questions as quickly as possible. Either privately or in a public Excel Video training lesson (no names mentioned!)

To celebrate, this milestone, I have added a short ( 3 1/2 minute) video introduction to The Company Rocks Excels. I explain my training process and teaching style. I also – “hint, hint” – demonstrate how you will benefit when you engage me to train you and/or your staff!

I love training people to master the “Tips & Time-savers” in Excel! I would love to train you!

Please call me @ (310) 215-0678 or email me – danny@thecompanyrocks.com – so that I can start to design the best Excel training program to meet your present needs!

Thank you for your support.


News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Learn how Excel calculates dates

If you create invoices or track time-sheets, you use date calculations in Excel. If you earn interest from an investment or pay interest on a loan, you need to understand how Excel handles dates. Once you grasp the concept that a date is a serial number, then you will start to understand how spreadsheets calculate dates. In this lesson, Danny will demonstrate the key concepts that will enable you to work smarter when you use dates in Excel formulas.

These are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

  1. Dates, in Excel, are serial numbers. Serial number 1 is January 1, 1900. (Apple Macintosh computers use January 1, 1904 as serial number 1.)
  2. Use the Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+~ to reveal the serial number of any date.
  3. The =TODAY() function is very useful. It will update to reflect your system’s date. If you want to “date stamp” a cell, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+; to enter today’s date (this will not update)
  4. Many formulas use the =DATE() function. To understand this Function, experiment with the =YEAR(), =MONTH() and =DAY() functions. These functions are frequently used inside the =DATE() function.
  5. For the Formula =End_Date-Start_Date, decide if you worked, (earned interest, paid interest, etc.) on either date. If so, the formula is =End_Date-Start_Date+1
  6. To calculate the # of Years between dates use a formula like; =YEAR(C7)-YEAR(B7)
  7. Excel has a “secret” formula =DATEDIF() – you can not get help for this formula. Use it to determine a person’s age, e.g. =DATEDIF(B11, C11, “y”)
  8. To determine the “Day in the year” use this formula =B15-DATE(YEAR(B15), 1, 0) – where cell B15 contains the date that you want to use.
  9. To see how many day remain in the year, use this formula =DATE(YEAR(B19), 12, 31)-B19 – where cell B19 contains the date that you want to use.
  10. When you want to write a formula to increment cells by 1 month (assuming that the starting date will change, use this formula =DATE(YEAR(F16),MONTH(F16)+1,DAY(F16))
  11. When you want to write a formula to increment cells by 1 year (assuming that the starting date will change, use this formula =DATE(YEAR(F17)+1,MONTH(F17),DAY(F17))

If you have questions on this lesson, please send me an email danny@thecompanyrocks.com

Find the Excel Video Lesson that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Related Videos

Practice Preventive PowerPoint – How to Avoid Reading Your Slides

Book Cover - Why Most PowerPoint Presentations Suck...

Buy this book!

I just started reading Rick Altman’s totally irreverent – and totally relevant book this past weekend. I love this book! Even better, I love the advice that Rick share with his audience.

How many time have you sat in the audience while the presenter proceeded to read the slide – “word-for-word.?”

Better question – How many times have you – the presenter – read your slides “word-for-word?”

The answer to both questions – “Way too many times!”

Now, we can’t directly change how other people choose to present – unless they are are one of our direct reports; or, they come to us seeking coaching on their presentations. However, we can implement “Preventive PowerPoint Practices” to improve our own presentations.

Rick helps us with 2 “Universal Axiom’s:

Universal Axiom #1:

“If a slide contains complete sentences, it is practically impossible for even the most accomplished presenters to avoid reading the entire slide word for word.”

Universal Axiom #2:

“When you read your slides word for word, you sound like an idiot.”

So what is the solution? How can you implement”Preventive PowerPoint Practices?”

Simple – Do not put complete sentences on your slides!

I can attest to this first hand. From time to time, I deliver training using PowerPoint slides created by my client. Many of the slides contain complete sentences hiding as “bullet points.” I have to really force myself to not look at the slides lest I succumb to the temptation to “read the slide word-for-word.” And I am an experienced presenter. I have to consciously remind myself to look at the audience and not at the slide!

It is so much easier when you implement “Preventive PowerPoint Practices” – Do not put complete sentences on your slides!

The Four-by_Four Rule

In an earlier post, I demonstrate the “Four-by-Four Rule for PowerPoint”

  1. No more than “Four” Bullet Points per Slide.
  2. No more than “Four” words per Bullet Point.

Read Rick Altman’s Book – “Why Most PowerPoint Presentations Suck… And How You Can Make Them Better.”

Go back to ALL of your PowerPoint Presentations and remove Every Complete sentence. Now – before you forget.

There is one exception to this rule: If you are using a quotation on your slide. A good quotation is usually brief. Just make sure that you choose a quotation that complements your point.

News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

Paste Special Saves You Time – Explore Your Options

I love the Paste Special options in Excel (and Word and PowerPoint.) They save me time. They help to ensure that I am always referring to the latest data. And they help me to be more productive. What’s not to like?

In this video lesson, Danny will demonstrate how to get the most out of each Paste Special option.

Here are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

  1. When you want to copy the “results” of a formula and not the actual formula, choose “Edit, Paste Special, Values.”
  2. If you want to copy the “source formatting” as well as the Values, choose “Edit, Paste Special, Values and Number Formatting.”
  3. To change the orientation (from Vertical to Horizontal, e.g.) choose “Edit, Paste Special, Transpose.”
  4. To ensure that your copied data remains current, choose “Edit, Paste Special, Paste Link.”
  5. You can also use the Paste Special Dialog Box to choose Paste Special “Formats” and “Comments.”
  6. Experiment with Paste Special Add, Multiply, Subtract & Divide.

Find the Excel Training Video that you want – Index to all Excel Topics

News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Related Videos

Create a Calculated Field in Your Pivot Table

When someone wants to see an additional field in your Pivot Table – e.g. to show the “Price per Units Sold,” you create a “Calculated Field.” This is a fairly simple process. In this video, Danny will show you how. This is yet another example of how you can use the power of a Pivot Table to present data the way that you – or your audience – want to see it.

Here are the steps to follow in this lesson:

  1. On the Pivot Table drop-down menu select “Formulas, Calculated Field.”
  2. In the dialog box, write in a Name for your new Calculated Field.
  3. Enter the Formula. Use the Fields in your Pivot Table and any operators (+,-,*,/) Click OK.
  4. Use the Field Settings to change any formatting, etc.

Find the Excel Training Video you want

My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now availabe to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

Get a Free 28 Minute Excel Video Tutorial

Follow this link for information to download – “Introduction to Pivot Tables in Excel 2003”