When Customer Relationships Cease

Here's a short story from a terrific new book, Marketing Your Retail Store in the Internet Age,” by Bob & Susan Negen:

“Bob recently spoke to a musician who told him about the store where he bought his first drum set.  He went on to become a professional musician and of course bought more drums, sticks, and all the other accoutrements of a professional drummer.  One day he went into the store and although the owners greeted him by name, they never left the work they were doing to help him.  He left, went to the music store down the street, and never went back.

His statement was, 'They acted like they didn't care.  They knew I was going to buy something, so they didn't bother helping me.'  Not only did they lose a good customer, but their competition down the road gained a great new customer.”

Have you ever done that?  If you run a business, do you simply take your customers for granted?  Does your store have this mindset, “Where else are they going to go?  We have the best (selection, prices, etc.)  He's going to buy it anyway.”

Let's turn the perspective around.  When you are shopping, how do you feel when a store's employees ignore you?  Doesn't it drive you crazy when you see store staff chatting on the phone or performing clerical duties while you try desperately to get their attention and assistance?  That behavior irritates me.  At best it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.  At worst, I abandon my shopping – in that store – and go somewhere else to find it.

We are witnessing Divorce: Retail Style.

At the very least it is abandonment.  At the worst, it is a messy divorce where the aggravated party makes headlines and tells everyone how your store stinks and that the people who work there are creeps.

Don't let this happen to you.  Don't take your customer relationships for granted.  If you do… they will cease or break.

Customers have choices.  And in the Internet Age, they have a world of choices.  Their choices come in all colors and sizes and at multiple price points.  Romance your core customers.  Keep the relationship fresh.  Keep them coming back to your store for life.  Give them reasons to prefer to shop at your store.  Don't let your relationship with your customers grow stale.

I can't find the source, but I remember reading a definition of a relationship.  It stuck with me and I use this quite often during my training and speaking engagements:

“A relationship is initiated by similarities.  It is built on common interests.  But it can only be sustained through a mutual benefit.”

When the relationship becomes one-sided…  When a mutual benefit no longer exists… the relationship is terminated.

Sam Walton – the founder of Wal-Mart – was guided by this philosophy:

“There is only one boss – the customer.  And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”


The coffee didn't taste as good

Yesterday morning, I stopped into my local Starbucks cafe before starting a two-hour drive to a client meeting.  I was looking forward to a relaxing drive on a beautiful Southern California day and listening to some new music.  I was expecting to purchase an Audio CD along with my Vente Coffee of the Day at Starbucks. 

Instead … what did I see?  A forlorn spinner rack standing right in the middle of the store with only two Audio CDs left on display.  I was surprised and disappointed.  I was expecting to browse the rack and purchase a new CD for my drive.  I did buy the coffee.  But it didn't taste as good as it usually does.  My expectations were not met.  Therefore everything else didn't seen so satisfying.

Over the past few years Starbucks has produced some innovative recordings on their Hear Music label.  I have particularly enjoyed their “Artist's Choice” series – the music that influenced popular artists like Joni Mitchell, Tony Bennett and Norah Jones.  I really wanted to acquire a new album – and at Starbucks you pay full price for the music.  It would have made the drive even more pleasant, it would have made the coffee taste even fresher, it would have engaged all of my senses … instead, I walked away unsatisfied.  The coffee didn't taste as good.

If you operate a retail store you must meet the expectations of your core customers.  You must engage them and delight them.  When a customer walks into your store he or she has a certain expectation – to find something specific, to browse, to ask for your advice or help in making a selection.  They want something, even if they can't quite articulate it.

But … they primarily judge your store by the first impression that you make on them.  Yesterday, Starbucks mad a terrible first impression on me.  And, I still have a bad taste in my mouth because of it.  I wanted to buy a CD – I did not want to see an abandoned CD spinner rack taking up prime floor space! 

For me, whenever I walk into a store and the displays look “picked-over” or disheveled, my first impression is – “This store doesn't care.  The employees don't care enough to re-stock and re-merchandise the shelves.  The management does not care what impression they make on their customers.”

I always felt this way when I walked into a CompUSA store.  And look what has happened there – half the stores in the chain are being closed.  It happened to KMart – the largest retail store bankruptcy ever.  Can it happen in your store?

Let's go back to my Starbucks experience.  That rack did not become depleted over night.  I was in the store a hour after they opened so I doubt that there was a rush of record buyers in the store at 6:00 a.m.  No … that rack has been standing there like a tree that has lost all but a few of its leaves for several days – if not weeks.  Where was the manager?  How could he or the employees tolerate that?  If they didn't have replenishment CDs to fill the rack the solution was simple – simply move it to the storage room.  Don't let your customers see an eyesore when they first walk into your store!

Learn to see your business through the eyes of your customer.  That eyesore left me with the sense that perhaps the beans were not freshly ground.  That the pastries were a few days old and stale.  That the restrooms might not have been serviced.  That I might not go back to Starbucks as often as in the past.  All because of one abandoned Audio CD spinner rack.  I felt as abandoned as the two CDs left in the rack.  I felt cheated.  Starbucks took more than my money yesterday.  They robbed me of my expectation – to enjoy a new CD while driving on a beautiful day.

I remembered a passage from Jaynie L. Smith's book, “Creating Competitive Advantage.”  She talked about her days working with Pan Am Airways:

“If the flights left and arrived on time, passengers felt generally positive about things like food, service, and comfort.  If the flights were delayed, however, passengers gave us low marks for everything, from check-in to after-dinner coffee.”

That's what airline passengers want – to take off on- time and to get to their destination safely and on-time.  Herb kelleher started Southwest Airlines with just that in mind:

“If you get your passengers to their destinations when they want to get there, on time, at the lowest possible fares, and make darn sure they have a good time doing it, people will fly your airline.”

That is a winning business plan – and it works for any industry.  it doesn't matter what products you sell or services that you offer.  “If you focus on the things that your customers care about most, they will keep coming back.”  I urge you to purchase “The Competitive Advantage” and take its principles to heart.  To come out ahead today you MUST have a competitive advantage – and your customers must see how it benefits them to do business with you.

As a footnote.  For years, passengers consistently rated Southwest Airlines food service the best in the industry.  And they NEVER served food – just nuts!  But they got passenger off on-time.  And they made sure that they go to their destination safely and on-time.  They met their customers expectations. 

And the coffee tasted great!


Was it Internet Pricing? Or "Soulless" Stores?

Yesterday, in his New York Times column – and on his blog – David Pogue wrote about the gutting of CompUSA.  They are closing half of their stores.  Pogue's article caught my attention for several reasons:

1) I advise several retail clients in the music products industry.  And if an established store operation like CompUSA can fall to the rise in competition – or its own irrelevance – what does that bode for for the future success of my clients?

2) Pogue speculated that the main reason CompUSA was forced into this severe downsizing was low-ball Internet pricing.  Actually, CompUSA's  pricing policy was not even competitive with other retail stores – e.g. Circuit City or even Target.  Even now, as they close the stores, they are only offering a token 10% discount on a “no returns / final sale” basis.  Big deal!  Or rather ,,, not a big enough deal to attract anyone's attention or dollar bills.  Many of my potential clients are scared and clueless when it comes to setting  – and sticking with – competitive prices.  This development is not giving them encouragement.

3) Later in the article, Pogue lamented the disappearance of the the “local” computer store at a time when many people find themselves crying out for help – because they feel so “technologically helpless.”  The complexity of setting up home networks, integrating computers and home theater systems, changing operating systems, fighting viruses and spam – you name it – it is all so complex (for a time-pressed population.)  What lessons can my music products industry clients take away from the (partial) demise of CompUSA?


Let's start with pricing, service, selection and then move on to building relationships with your customers.

Pricing:  Your pricing must must not only be competitive – it must be “dynamic” – you must have the ability to both raise and lower your prices to meet the ever-changing demands of your customers.  Some of the products that you sell are truly commodities and therefore they are extremely “price-sensitive.”  You should not try to “beat” Internet pricing but you can not afford to be “out of line” either.

Other product lines can be priced higher.  These are not commodities.  They are “desirables.”  They either have a certain “cache” or they are not available everywhere else or … they require more sales assistance in making the sale or more service opportunities (installation, check-up, etc.) after the sale.  These products deserve and can command a higher price.

Service:  Pogue's article was right on target when he described the shopping experience in a CompUSA store.  (Click here to read it yourself.)  Here is what Pogue said about the CompUSA staff:

“The company’s corporate spokesperson at the time acknowledged, 'Getting staff is a problem across the board. We need specialized talent; finding it can be a challenge.'

Between her lines, you could read the truth: technology experts are in demand everywhere. At $6.50 an hour (what CompUSA was paying at the time), you’re not going to attract many people who, ahem, excel in both personal and technical skills.”

Perhaps a better model to follow (if you are a retailer) is Best Buy stores and their crack service and systems installation team – “The Geek Squad.”

The dilemma for many music products (and electronics) dealers is: 

1) A significant part of my sales come from prices that are considered “commodities.”  I can't afford to pay good wages to my staff and remain competitive with Internet pricing on these “commodities.”

Hint:  You don't sell these “commodities” – competitive pricing sells them.  You don't need skilled and higher paid staff to sell these products.  Just price them right and let them sell themselves.

2) I can't train my staff to acquire the skills (product knowledge and people-skills) necessary to sell higher-end products.  I am also having a hard time retaining the staff that I have – there is a high turnover ratio.

Hint:  Take a close look at what Best Buy does with their electronics.  The higher-end products are in their own retail space – sometimes in their own store (Magnolia)   The sales staff is not a Best Buy clerk.  These are sales professionals.  They know the product.  But they are really trained to understand the needs, desires and the requirements of this customer.  And … they have the services of “The Geek Squad” to ensure customer satisfaction – i.e. “No wires showing!”

3) Selection:  You can't be all things to all people!  You can't possibly stock and sell every brand available.  Leave that to Amazon.com and other “Long Tail” retailers.

Hint: Offer your customers a choice – but make it limited and focused.  A proven strategy is offering a “Good, Better, Best” product line-up.  Do not confuse the customer with too many choices – the result … no choice!

4) Relational vs. Transactional Sales:  You can concentrate on the “transaction” – the customers who know what they want and they demand the lowest price or else …  If you choose to remain in this rut – well, just read the CompUSA story once more and this time insert your own store's name.  Or … you can focus your energy on building a strong relationship with your “core customers.”  Don't just make one sale.  Sell yourself and your interest in earning the next sale to that customer and … sales to the friends, family and neighbors of that one “satisfied” customer.

It can be done.  Local dealers can learn to thrive and survive.  Learn from the mistakes that CompUSA made.  Find your niche.  Grow your market.  Be different!


Meeting "Nay-sayers" Head On

While I was preparing to facilitate a meeting for a client, I came across an interesting sidebar article in the January 2006 edition of The Motivational Manager“Bite your tongue before uttering these creativity-busters.”  This is a list of typical negative comments that you hear in the office or at meetings.

A major portion of the meeting that I am about to facilitate calls for “brainstorming” ideas.  The client is most interested in hearing the ideas that each manager has on a selected topic.  The purpose of a “brainstorming” session is to get as many ideas from as many participants as possible in the allotted time. 

“Brainstorming” sessions are not strategy sessions.  Nor do they call for decisions to be made.  Strategy and decision-making are different types of meeting.  They should be held separate from a “brainstorming” meeting.  What you want to be careful to avoid are the following comments (as written in the article I quoted):

Senior management will never go for it.

That's not how we do things.

Let's think on that for a while.

Be practical.

Let's form a committee to study it.

We can't afford it.

It will be too hard to administer.

If it's that good an idea, why haven't our competitors thought of it?

It doesn't do anything for me.

It sounds good, but …

Have you heard these comments before?  I'm sure that you have.  But … they are not appropriate for a “brainstorming” session.  Each of those comments  might be appropriate in a strategy or decision-making session.  Although I think that the phrase, “That's not how we do things…” should be permanently banned from any business meeting!

I am looking forward to facilitating this meeting.  I think that we will collect a lot of great ideas.  I think that the participants will enjoy throwing out their ideas.  And I am looking forward to helping the client select the ideas that they want to pursue.  It will be fun for all!

Communicate Effectively and Quickly

“If you can’t state your position in eight words or less, you don’t have a position.”

– Seth Godin

It is difficult to be brief. Try it! State your opinion in a few words as possible. How do you explain your business or service to a total stranger in just a few words – words that the stranger can easily understand? It is a tough task, isn’t it? And yet, increasingly that is what we have to do to retain current customers and to attract new ones. To be noticed – to stand out from the crowd – to move people to take action we must master the art of brevity.

One of the best business summaries I know came from Charles Revson, the founder of Revlon Cosmetics. He said:

“In the factory we make cosmetics, in the store we sell hope.”

Brilliant! All in twelve words. And they are the “right words” because they work. The listener can clearly understand the process and visualize the outcome. The outcome for each customer will be unique because each will define “hope” in their own way.

Will that “hope” renew, revitalize, rejuvenate, restore, rekindle or reinvent? Each customer will choose one or more of these answers – and probably one or more of Revlon’s cosmetics. Being brief, concise and “on-target” has a real payoff.

A few days ago, I wrote an article titled, “The Long and the Short of It.” I commented on the enjoyment and benefit I got from a new book by Dr. Frank Luntz“Words that Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear.” Buy this book! Put it’s principles into practice. Reap the rewards! “Renew, revitalize, rejuvenate, rekindle, reinvent” is one of Luntz’s “Twenty-one words and phrases for the Twenty-first Century.” They work.

How am I planning to put this principle into practice? Follow this scenario: Continue reading “Communicate Effectively and Quickly” »

Communicate to Motivate Your Staff

“Setting and communicating the right expectations is the most important tool a manager has for imparting that elusive drive to the people he supervises.”

– Andrew S. Grove

Recently, I have been thinking about and studying the subject of effective communications.  Where most managers, leaders and marketers go wrong – and are guilty of ineffective communication – is quite simple:

They give an order, or write a memo, or place an ad and … they presume that the message is communicated.  They assume that the order will be acted upon to their satisfaction; that the memo will be completely understood by all who read it (if they do read it) and that the ad will naturally generate orders for the product or service.


Communications is a participatory sport.  At a minimum it involves “give and take” from two parties.  You give me an order and I take away a clear understanding of what you want me to accomplish; how the task is to be done and when it is to be completed.  Simple enough, right?


How often have you been disappointed when your staff did not complete a project the way your wanted it?  Quite a bit if yours is the typical office or store.  Why?  Who is to blame?  What went wrong?  How could they possibly not understand me when I said, “I need this done ASAP!”  How, exactly, did you define ASAP?  Are you sure that you communicated your exact interpretation of ASAP to your employee?  Did he or she tell you what was exactly possible from their perspective? Does their ASAP match your ASAP? If not, you have a problem – that needs to be fixed – ASAP!

This is how communications break down.  This is how morale starts to slip in the workplace.  This is not the right way to motivate your staff.

Let’s examine the opening  words of the Andy’s Grove quote that I used to start this post:

“Setting … and communicating … the right … expectations…. ”

Each word packs a lot of power.  And the power to motivate is included in each one:

“Setting expectations.”  Confident managers and leaders don’t set expectations by themselves.  They involve their individual employees or their team members when setting their expectations.  They ask questions.  They evaluate skill levels and potential.  They are aware of other – possibly conflicting – goals that employees are working towards for other departments.  Today, leaders set expectations in consultation with their staff.  They still make the final decision, they maintain control, but… they actively invite participation in setting expectations.

“Communicating expectations.”  Effective leaders are skilled at communicating clear, concise and precise direction.  And they make sure that their staff completely understand – and are committed to fulfilling – these expectations.  Confident leaders choose the right words when communicating.  They choose the words that work – the words that their team “hears” and understands. The words that the team responds to.

“The right expectations.”  Expectations that are challenging and interesting – but achievable.  Expectations that help the team to grow, learn additional skills and build self-confidence.  And confident leaders realize that they must coach and praise their team members as they work towards meeting the right expectations. 

Offering specific and timely praise for positive performance is the strongest force for motivating your staff. 

Use these tips as tools for “imparting that elusive drive to the people (you) supervise.” 

You will love the results!

Let me know what works for you – and why it works.  Drop me an email – danny@thecompanyrocks.com or post a comment about this article.  Share your thoughts with your fellow readers.

The Best Career Advice – Ever!

“Don’t be irreplaceable.  If you can’t be replaced, you can’t be promoted.”

– Anonymous

Someday, I would like to meet Mr. or Ms. Anonymous.  All of that wisdom!  Such common sense!  They have clarity of thought and are direct in their communication.  I wonder where Mr. or Ms. Anonymous lives and works?  I really do want to meet them … and often, I think that I have!

Anonymous took their own advice here.  Rather than taking credit for saying something brilliant, they simply moved on – to a higher place – they got promoted.  They now belong to all of us – they have become the wisdom of the ages.  They are everywhere … always.

Within these two sentences, you will find the best career advice you could possibly gain.  Want to be a better manager?  Make yourself replaceable – learn to delegate.  Train your team members how to do the job that you used to do.  But, encourage them to try to do it better or differently.  Remember that you were promoted from being a staff member and made a manager.  Don’t continue to do the same tasks you did as a staff member.  Delegate.  Make yourself replaceable!

Want to get ahead in your career?  Make your boss replaceable.  Start solving their problems.  Don’t continue to bring them your problems, bring them possible solutions.  Let them see that they are replaceable – by you!  Let them move up a rung on the career ladder.  And if they are smart, they will bring you along with them on the journey up.  They will be your mentor.

And of course, since you are also smart, you are training, coaching and mentoring your own staff.  Striving to make yourself replaceable.  You are learning to delegate tasks and encouraging your staff to take chances learn how to solve problems by themselves.  You are their mentors.  You are building trust with those above you in rank, those below you in responsibility and those who work alongside you.

You are learning to become replaceable.  You are demonstrating that you deserve to be promoted.  You are building your career.

Good luck!  You deserve it.

The Long and the Short of It

“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”

– Mark Twain

Touche, Mr. Twain.  You are correct – it is difficult to condense your message into a few words.  Namely, the right words – at the right time – for the right audience.

Words pack power.  Actually, choosing the right words will help you to deliver a powerful, memorable and actionable message.  “It's not what you say, it's what people hear.”  That is the subtitle for an important new book by Dr. Frank Luntz – “Words That Work.” 

You may recognize Frank Luntz as a prominent pollster and adviser to Republican candidates.  Put politics aside – many Democrats openly admire and envy his ability to shape a focused message and coach his clients to to stay-on and deliver that message with clockwork precision.  We can learn a lot from Luntz's book.  Regardless of your profession (sales, marketing, education, politics, communications, etc.) or your personal preferences, you need to acquire skill in order to persuade others adopt your ideas, products or services.  One chapter of the book is titled, “Twenty-one words and phrases for the twenty-first century.  A few of them are:


“Renew, Revitalize, Rejuvenate, Restore, Rekindle, Reinvent”


Buy this book.  Learn the lessons Luntz teaches.  People will start to hear what you say.  They will buy your products; accept your ideas; take the actions that you propose.  You will gain power – you will persuade!

The world in which we live and work does not allow us to “beat around the bush.”  If we have a point to make – or we want public opinion we must learn to cut through the clutter.  Don't give your customers 10 reasons to buy your product.  Give them one.  Or, at the most, three.  They will never remember ten.  Get them to remember … get them to buy … get them to take the action that you recommend:

“If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever.  Use a pile driver.  Hit the point once,  Then come back and hit it again.  Then hit it a third time with a tremendous whack.”

– Winston Churchill

I love quotations – and use them frequently to make or illustrate a point.  They are succinct.  They are memorable.  They add to my authority and credibility when I use them.. They are powerful.  They persuade.


Are Your Salespeople Biased?

Of course they are!  They're human.  All humans are biased to think and act in certain ways.  We offer biased opinions.  Our reactions are biased, to a degree, upon our experiences and environment.  However, if you are a salesperson – or you employ salespeople – your bias is costing you money and profit!

How?  And how do I correct this?

OK – before you get concerned – I am not talking about discrimination or other odious practices.  I want to draw your attention, in particular, to how your salespeople behave when they are not on the floor selling.  Or when they are not out in the field selling.  Why?

Because they way that they behave when they themselves are shopping or making decisions has a direct connection to the way that they sell  and the manner in which they relate to customers.  For example:

1) What kind of shopper are they?  Where do they shop for personal items?  Do they brag about the great deal that they got on XYZ?  Do they only shop at “huge discount stores?”  Do they dress and look like they just came from the bargain basement?

2) How about the ability to make decisions?  Do they say, “I'll have to think about this some more before I can make a decision?”  Do they give this response more times than not?  Many more times?

Well then, there is a high probability that they will respond in a similar manner during a sales call.  They will show their bias.  They will project their own preferences onto the customer.  How?

“Serial Bargain Buyers” place a high value on a low price sticker.  For many, this is the only thing that they value – the lowest price possible.  Do you employ any “serial bargain buyers?”  If so, do they project their bias onto your customers?  Just because they shop for bargains, they may presume that everyone shops for bargains – i.e. they are biased to believe that everyone wants the lowest possible price – all the time – or else they will not buy.

Does this happen in your store or place of business?  Do you have some salespeople who constantly complain about losing sales to the competitor down the block who has a lower price?  If so … I would start to do a background check – on their attitudes and shopping habits.  If you find that they are a “serial bargain buyer,” I would suggest that you encourage them to seek employment at another business that offers lower prices than you do.  They are beyond redemption.  You can not train them to change their attitude.

This is an extreme example made to illustrate a point.  It is natural that each of us tend to think that people that we meet or work with share the same outlook on the world that we do.  When you do your training – and I sincerely hope that you do train your staff – try to spot these natural tendencies towards bias.  Sometimes just pointing the reaction out – making them aware of their words, actions and non-verbal responses will be sufficient.

Last year, I made a few presentations to musical instrument dealers on “How To Compete with Internet Pricing:  Lose the Sale?  Or Lose the Profit?”  I have attached a sample page from that presentation as a file for you to access or download.  You can get the entire slide show on my website – www.thecompanyrocks.com

I asked the retailers to visualize their staff.  How many of their salespeople were “gigging” musicians?”  How many of these salespeople / “giggers” had any money?  How many of them actually knew anybody who had money?  How many of them – really – thought thought that your store's prices were too high?  How many of these salespeople / “giggers” actually purchased any equipment from your store – or did they go to the Internet or a competitor to get a lower price for themselves?

Unfortunately, many of the retailers in my audience nodded in agreement – I had just painted a picture of their sales staff.  And … they had a sales staff that was biased!  And they projected that bias onto their customers.

That is the real key – projecting your bias onto the customer.  Frankly, I don't care how you shop for yourself and your family – that is your decision.  Nor do I care how you make decisions at home.  As long as … you do not bring your bias to work.  Do not assume that everyone is your identical twin.

Successful salespeople ask question and listen to the answers their customers give to determine the best product or service for each individual customer.  Successful supervisors make a real effort to discover the factors that motivate each employee.  And they coach and communicate with the employee accordingly.  They do not show their bias. 

How Well Do You Communicate? I Don’t Hear You

“It is the recipient who communicates. The so-called communicator, the person who emits the communication does not communicate. He utters. Unless there is someone who hears, there is no communication. There is only noise.”

– Peter Drucker

As always, the late, great Peter Drucker put his finger on the key issue. Unfortunately, too many speakers, salespeople, marketers, supervisors and spouses ignore this point – at their peril!

Communication is a two-way process.

Speakers may speak, but they are only words … unless the words that they speak reflect the experience of their audience. Salespeople may try to sell, but there will be no sale … unless their prospective customer perceives that there is a value for them. Marketers market everywhere everyday … but unless they market the right product to a receptive audience, it is just a waste of advertising dollars. Supervisors try to supervise daily … but most of the time their employees fail to respond in the way the supervisor hoped they would. Why? We know that spouses and significant other talk past each other on a regular basis … and to what result? The divorce rate is at an all-time high.

“What we have here is a failure to communicate!” This is a famous line from the movie, “Cool Hand Luke.” And it comes back to Peter Drucker’s observation:

“Before we can communicate, we must, therefore, know what the recipient expects to see and hear.”

No one can move an individual or an audience from Point “A” to Point “B” unless they really know the audience’s definition of Point “A.” It’s exact geographic and emotional location!

And this may vary from individual to individual in each audience and from audience to audience. If you want to be successful in sales (and who doesn’t?), you should spend more time asking questions of your potential customers than practicing your (one-size-fits-all) “spiel.” Successful marketers spend a considerable amount of time identifying – and locating – a “target” audience – one that has a high likelihood of being receptive to a (personalized) message. When the “communication” is “on-target” a demand is made – that the consumer makes a purchase or, at a minimum, asks for more information.

I am reminded of a book in my library by John Wooden – “You Haven’t Taught Until They Have Learned.” It’s the same principle at work here (as per Peter Drucker): Continue reading “How Well Do You Communicate? I Don’t Hear You” »