How to Quickly Clear All Text Formatting from PowerPoint Slides

Control Slide Formatting

Use SlideMaster to Control Formatting

One of my clients inherited a “Ransom Note” PowerPoint Presentation. I think that you can visualize what a “Ransom Note” slide looks like: Multiple Fonts at various sizes with multiple colors and effects thrown in for good measure! Ugly and, certainly, not professional.

Steps to Clear All Text Formatting

In my video tutorial, I demonstrate:

  • How to work in PowerPoint’s Outline View
  • How to use Keyboard Shortcuts to expand and collapse the text for each slide
  • How to clear all of the text formatting

Use the SlideMaster to Set Default Settings for Text

In my experience, most of the people who use PowerPoint are either unaware of the SlideMaster or they do not know how to use it. In my tutorial, I demonstrate how Microsoft Office Themes and the SlideMaster work together to set the default setting for formatting your presentation.

Minimize Local Formatting

My goal, in creating this tutorial, is to impress upon you the importance of limiting your use of “local formatting.” The reason that “ransom note” formatting survives is a direct result of applying local formatting rather than using the SlideMaster to help you to maintain a consistent look.

Additional Resources for Learning PowerPoint

I am the author of the best-selling DVD-ROM, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007.Click on this link to learn more about the 7 1/2 hours of focused video training that I offer on my DVD-ROM.

Watch My Tutorial in High Definition

Follow this link to view my tutorial in High Definition on my YouTube Channel – DannyRocksExcels




20 Tips for Delivering a Successful Presentation

Presenting to Group

Presenting to Group

Have you been asked to speak or deliver a presentation at an upcoming event? Once you have accepted the invitation to speak or present, you need to start preparing. Where do you begin?

Successful presenters follow a process. They have a system which they have developed over the years. They use a checklist of Best Practices to help ensure that they deliver successful presentations every time!

So, you may be asking … “Where do I get a list of tips? Has someone created a checklist that I can use?”

Fortunately, you have come to the right location! I have created a checklist of “20 Tips for a Successful Presentation” that you can download – for free!

Click on this link to download my 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation as an Adobe PDF.

Here is my list of the 20 Tips that I use whenever I speak or deliver a presentation. These are also the tips that I share with my clients when I coach them to deliver successful presentations.  You will learn about:

  • How to discover your “Words-per-Minute” (WPM) Count
  • The “B-L-O-T” (Bottom Line On Top) Technique
  • The “Power of the Pause”

And 17 additional tips. Be sure to download the complete checklist  of  “20 Tips for a Successful Presentation” to get more information about each tip:

Tips While Preparing Your Presentation

  • Tip #1 – Prepare with your audience in mind
  • Tip #2 – Begin your presentation with “The End in Mind”
  • Tip #3 – Use the classic model to structure your presentation
  • Tip #4 – Prepare by writing out your presentation

Click on this link to download your copy of my 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation

Tips for Delivering Your Presentation

  • Tip #5 – Memorize two sections of your presentation
  • Tip #6 – Communicate and confirm your equipment needs in advance
  • Tip #7 – Get comfortable with the physical setting
  • Tip #8 – Your audience will “Tune-in / Tune out” during your presentation
  • Tip #9 – Remember the “Power of the Pause!”
  • Tip #10 – Maintain Eye-contact with your audience
  • Tip #11 – Pace your presentation

Follow this link to download a PDF of my 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation

Tips for PowerPoint

PowerPoint Tips

Tips for Creating PowerPoint Slides

  • Tip #12 – You are the Presentation!
  • Tip #13 – Do not write complete sentences on your slides!
  • Tip #14 – Take advantage of the “White Space” on your slides
  • Tip #15 – Choose appropriate visual images

Want to get a copy of this checklist – complete with details for each of these tips? Click here to download 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation as a PDF.

Do you want to learn how to use PowerPoint effectively? Click on this link to learn more about my DVD-ROM, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007”

Tips for Engaging Your Audience

  • Tip #16 – Phrases to avoid
  • Tip #17 – Phrases to substitute
  • Tip #18 Encourage audience questions
  • Tip #19 – Audiences remember stories

Get your free copy of this checklist. Click on this link to download 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation

Tip for Delivering a Successful Presentation

  • Tip #20 – Visualize your Successful Presentation!

So, there is the checklist that I use. Be sure to download your copy to learn more about each of these “20 Tips for a Successful Presentation.”

Do you have a favorite tip? What works for you? Add your comment in the area below this article. Or you can send it to me via email:

Read or Forward this Article from Ezine Articles Website

A variation of this article is purclished on the Ezine Articles Website  – where you can read it or forward it to your friends and colleagues. Click here for the direct link to the article.

Invitation to Visit My New Online Shopping Website

I have just opened my new, secure online shopping website. I invite you to visit to see all of the products and resources that I offer.



The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007 – Download Detailed Content Listing

50 Best Tips

Content Guide

I have created a PDF – that you can download – that details each of the learning concepts for “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” DVD-ROM. I also include the Run time for each video lesson so that you can schedule a lesson to fit your available time.

Follow this link to download the PDF Detailed Content List for The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007. You can print this out and also forward it to your friends and colleagues.

The PowerPoint DVD-ROM package contains two disks with over 7 hours of focused video training. I teach PowerPoint as a speaker and a trainer, NOT as a “techie.” Yes, you will learn all of the “bells and whistles” for PowerPoint, but more importantly, you will understand how, when and why to use the technique. For example, I show you the steps to take to create custom animation for your bullet points, but I also explain when you should use them and when not to.

Even if you have been using PowerPoint for many years I know that you will pick up many new tips that will make you more productive in producing your slide show and more effective when you make your presentation.

You can purchase the DVD-ROM for “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007”right here on my website. I use a secure shopping cart. I accept all major credit cards and PayPal. I offer a variety of shipping options and ship to all countries. Your satisfaction is important to me. I guarantee my products 100%. If, for any reason, you are not happy with any of my products, I will refund your purchase price with no questions asked.

Click here to start shopping. 

If you received a feed of my post from yesterday – with a link to the PDF for the Excel Detailed Content List –  I have corrected a few errors in the original. Here is the link to the Excel PDF:

The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007 Detailed Content Listing

Review of My DVD – The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint

Here is a link to a review of my DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007.”  The review is by PowerPoint MVP, Geetesh Bajaj on the Indezine website.

Indezine Website

Review of my PowerPoint DVD

If you have not yet visited the Indezine website, I encourage you to do so. There are numerous resources available that will help you to produce better slides and to deliver better presentations. You will also find:

  • Interviews with the leading members of the presentations community.
  • Hundreds of PowerPoint Templates.
  • A Blog with great articles to help you to improve your presentations.
  • Links to other websites devoted to presentations.

If you design or deliver presentations, please bookmark the website.

Review for My 50 Best PowerPoint 2007 Tips DVD

I was pleasantly surprised to see my DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” reviewed today by noted author and speaker, Ellen Finkelstein.

Here is a link to Ellen’s review

Notice that the review is part of Ellen’s “PowerPoint Tips Blog.” I encourage you to go to Ellen’s website – – to read and subscribe to her newsletter and to gather some great tips for improving your presentations. By registering, you can download a free white paper: “From Death by PowerPoint to Life by PowerPoint.” Check out Ellen’s site today.

Danny Rocks

The Company Rocks

The Online Store for The Company Rocks has Opened for Business!

DVDs of The 50 Best Tips for Excel and PowerPointI am proud to announce that my online store for The Company Rocks is now open!

You can now purchase my two DVDs without leaving my website.

“The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” contains over 5 1/2 hours of training. Each video lesson focuses on one tip and you can learn it in @ 6 minutes! The tips range from Beginning Level to the Advanced level. The majority of Tips (30 tips) are at the Intermediate level. If you enjoy the lessons that I post here, now you can own a DVD of the 50 Best Tips – now for Excel 2007!

“The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” contains over 7 hours of training on two DVDs! I put a lot of effort into producing this DVD – and the customers who have already purchased it tell me that has immediately improved their presentation skills.

This DVD is unique!

Because, I do not teach PowerPoint as a “techie.” Rather, I am a professional speaker and trainer and I show you how to use PowerPoint as a tool to use during your presentations. Of course I show you how to create animations and how to create custom PowerPoint shows. But, significantly, I demonstrate how best to use custom animations and why you should prepare Custom PowerPoint shows. If you think you know PowerPoint, think again. I guarantee that you will learn new techniques for PowerPoint and … you will learn how to take advantage of the many great new graphic features available in PowerPoint 2007.

I invite you to visit my online store. The DVDs are in stock and attractively priced. I know that you will learn new tips and refine your skills in PowerPoint and Excel when you watch one of my lessons.

  • Invest 10 minutes to learn a new productivity tip – and, save yourself hours of frustration and avoid having to rekey data entries in Excel 2007.
  • Invest 10 minutes to learn a new presentation tip – and, learn how to deliver presentations using PowerPoint 2007 that get you the sale or get your audience to take action.
  • Invest 10 minutes and learn how to use the new Office 2007 interface. I show you how to always have your favorite commands right at your fingertips.

Finally, let me wish you a very Happy New Year in 2010!


Danny Rocks

Watch My PowerPoint Video Lessons on YouTube

I have uploaded many of my PowerPoint Training Videos to YouTube. Here is the link to my YouTube Channel:

YouTube Logo

YouTube Logo


YouTube reaches a very broad audience. It offers a very different experience. YouTube makes it very easy to share the videos that you like with your friends and colleagues. Check it out for yourself!

I must admit that I was wary about uploading my training videos to YouTube. However, I have had a very positive response to my MS Excel Videos on YouTube. So I have created a separate PowerPoint Channel and have begun to upload content from this website to YouTube.

If you want to share any of my Excel or PowerPoint Videos, YouTube make it easy to do so. You can even choose to embed the videos on your own website – go right ahead! I have included my business card at the beginning and the end of each video so that viewers know how to reach me.

Let me know what you think about YouTube. How is it different from this blog? Have you ever shared a video that you found on YouTube with your friends. Have you ever embedded a YouTube video on your own website?

I invite you to add your comments below.

News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

Work in Outline View in PowerPoint

MS PowerPoint’s Normal View has two Tabs – Slide View and Outline View.  In this video lesson, I will share tips for getting the most out of Outline View.

For example:

  • Collapse or Expand the text for individual Slides or for all Slides in the presentation.
  • Create a “Summary Slide” containing the titles for each slide in your presentation.
  • Insert Hyperlinks to text on your “Summary Slide” to make it easy to navigate to an individual slide.

Here are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

  • In Normal View, choose the Outline Tab.
  • Be sure that the Outlining Toolbar is active. (View – Toolbars – Outlining) You can either “dock it” or make it a “floating toolbar.”
  • Experiment with Expand and Collapse – Individual slides (Double-click or Expand on the toolbar) or All slides in the presentation.
  • Create a Duplicate Slide – The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+D or choose Insert-Duplicate Slide.
  • To create a “Summary Slide” first select the slide icons for the slides you want. Then click the Summary Slide Icon on the Outlining Toolbar.
  • Create a “Hyperlink” to quickly navigate to individual slides. First select the text on the “Summary Slide” and then use the keyboard shortcut – Ctrl+K and choose “Place in this Document” and choose the slide.
  • You must be in Slide Show View in order to test your Hyperlink.

Find the PowerPoint Video Lesson that you want – Index to all PowerPoint Topics

News! My new DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007” is available for purchase. Visit my online store for details.

Video Blogging

Over on my “Excels Blog” I have just posted my 50th video blog. The fact that I have accomplished this in less than 2 months still amazes me!

I had a vision for posting short video tutorials on MS Excel topics. Frankly, I couldn’t imagine demonstrating a software program without incorporating video! It would be too dry and dull.

Of course, most of the things that we do today on the Internet are incredible. Technology advances so quickly. What I accept today as “state of the art” will be considered “old school” in just a few months.

So, dear readers, I will start to add some video and audio posts to this blog. The written word will remain in place. I am simply going to add a few new media elements when appropriate.

Meanwhile, I invite you to visit the two Video Blogs that I now have up and running:

Thank you for your continued patronage. I welcome your feedback.