20 Tips for Delivering a Successful Presentation

Presenting to Group

Presenting to Group

Have you been asked to speak or deliver a presentation at an upcoming event? Once you have accepted the invitation to speak or present, you need to start preparing. Where do you begin?

Successful presenters follow a process. They have a system which they have developed over the years. They use a checklist of Best Practices to help ensure that they deliver successful presentations every time!

So, you may be asking … “Where do I get a list of tips? Has someone created a checklist that I can use?”

Fortunately, you have come to the right location! I have created a checklist of “20 Tips for a Successful Presentation” that you can download – for free!

Click on this link to download my 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation as an Adobe PDF.

Here is my list of the 20 Tips that I use whenever I speak or deliver a presentation. These are also the tips that I share with my clients when I coach them to deliver successful presentations.  You will learn about:

  • How to discover your “Words-per-Minute” (WPM) Count
  • The “B-L-O-T” (Bottom Line On Top) Technique
  • The “Power of the Pause”

And 17 additional tips. Be sure to download the complete checklist  of  “20 Tips for a Successful Presentation” to get more information about each tip:

Tips While Preparing Your Presentation

  • Tip #1 – Prepare with your audience in mind
  • Tip #2 – Begin your presentation with “The End in Mind”
  • Tip #3 – Use the classic model to structure your presentation
  • Tip #4 – Prepare by writing out your presentation

Click on this link to download your copy of my 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation

Tips for Delivering Your Presentation

  • Tip #5 – Memorize two sections of your presentation
  • Tip #6 – Communicate and confirm your equipment needs in advance
  • Tip #7 – Get comfortable with the physical setting
  • Tip #8 – Your audience will “Tune-in / Tune out” during your presentation
  • Tip #9 – Remember the “Power of the Pause!”
  • Tip #10 – Maintain Eye-contact with your audience
  • Tip #11 – Pace your presentation

Follow this link to download a PDF of my 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation

Tips for PowerPoint

PowerPoint Tips

Tips for Creating PowerPoint Slides

  • Tip #12 – You are the Presentation!
  • Tip #13 – Do not write complete sentences on your slides!
  • Tip #14 – Take advantage of the “White Space” on your slides
  • Tip #15 – Choose appropriate visual images

Want to get a copy of this checklist – complete with details for each of these tips? Click here to download 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation as a PDF.

Do you want to learn how to use PowerPoint effectively? Click on this link to learn more about my DVD-ROM, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007”

Tips for Engaging Your Audience

  • Tip #16 – Phrases to avoid
  • Tip #17 – Phrases to substitute
  • Tip #18 Encourage audience questions
  • Tip #19 – Audiences remember stories

Get your free copy of this checklist. Click on this link to download 20 Tips for a Successful Presentation

Tip for Delivering a Successful Presentation

  • Tip #20 – Visualize your Successful Presentation!

So, there is the checklist that I use. Be sure to download your copy to learn more about each of these “20 Tips for a Successful Presentation.”

Do you have a favorite tip? What works for you? Add your comment in the area below this article. Or you can send it to me via email: danny@thecompanyrocks.com

Read or Forward this Article from Ezine Articles Website

A variation of this article is purclished on the Ezine Articles Website  – www.ezinearticles.com where you can read it or forward it to your friends and colleagues. Click here for the direct link to the article.

Invitation to Visit My New Online Shopping Website

I have just opened my new, secure online shopping website. I invite you to visit http://shop.thecompanyrocks.com to see all of the products and resources that I offer.



How Do You Respond When Equipment Fails During a Presentation?

Equipment will fail. Your Laptop will display the “Blue Screen of Death.” The Bulb in your Projector will suddenly “Pop!” You will:

  • Forget to pack your Power Cord
  • Bring the wrong PowerPoint Presentation
  • Trip over a Power Cord and …

It is not a question of IF; it is a question of WHEN. When your equipment fails, how will you respond? What will you do? How will you recover?

This question was posed on one of the LinkedIn Groups that I belong to – “Great Communicators! Effective Presenting & PowerPoint.” I posted my thoughts – including my own list of what to bring whenever I travel to make a presentation. Geetesh Bajaj, a Microsoft MVP for PowerPoint liked my response and he turned it into an article on his blog. Click here to read the article and to see my list of “essentials to pack” for your next presentation.

Prepare your presentation. Prepare yourself. Prepare your recovery from an equipment failure. Expect the unexpected!

Please let me know what you have done – or wish that you had done – when your equipment fails during a presentation or a training session. Feel free to share a “war story” or two about what happened to you or that you saw happen during a presentation.

This article is published by EzineArticles – Click here to read or download it.

How to Create Custom PowerPoint Slide Shows

Do you carry around multiple versions of a PowerPoint file – one for each of your five customers? Have you ever carried the wrong version? Have you ever forgotten to update each version with the latest information?

If so, you need to learn how to create and run a PowerPoint Custom Slide Show. You can even hyperlink to custom shows within your main presentation! And, no more File Save As – you only use one file!

You can view this short PowerPoint Video here on my website, download it, or subscribe to my – free – podcast at the iTunes store.

This PowerPoint Training Video Lesson is typical of the tips that I offer on my DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007.” Click here to buy it now.


My New DVD – The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007

Danny's DVD Series "The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007" I am proud to announce that my latest DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for PowerPoint 2007,” is now available for purchase.

This is a set of two DVD s containing over seven hours of training! Each lesson averages about 10 minutes. So, when you want to work on one specific part of your presentation you can just put the DVD in your computer, locate the lesson and get a focused coaching session – all within the space of less than 15 minutes.

When you want quick answers and a visual guide for the steps involved, this is the DVD for you.

When you want to learn how to use PowerPoint from a professional speaker & trainer and not from a “techie”, this is the DVD for you.

I am also proud to announce that my online bookstore opened this morning. I invite you to visit the bookstore for The Company Rocks. You can also learn about my other DVDs including, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007.”

Thank you for all of your kind words of support as I have built this website over the past year. I wish you a very happy new year in 2010!


Danny Rocks


An experiment – do you prefer the written article or the spoken PowerPoint?

The Written Word

Yesterday, I published an article – “How Many Words per Minute (WPM) Do You Speak?”

The Spoken Word

Today, I recorded a PowerPoint presentation based on that article – “Did I Get My WPM Count Just Right?

Both postings discuss the same topic – How fast or slow do you speak? What is your spoken words-per-minute (WPM) count. Each posting offers a different experience.

I had a different experience while creating and recording the PowerPoint presentation. I needed to add extra words to assist the viewer. Both the video and the article are designed to “stand alone.” However, I felt that the video “needed more explanation.” I had to remember that the viewer could hit the “back button control” on their web browser at any moment!

Write Your Presentations / Practice Speaking Your Words

Perhaps it was just the experience of speaking my written words aloud. A practice that I recommend that all writers and editors try at least occasionally. Perhaps it was just me “wishing that I had taken more time in editing yesterday’s article.” A case of “writer’s remorse?

I hope that you will take some time to read the article AND to view the PowerPoint presentation. I welcome your feedback. Which medium did you prefer – and why? What would you like to see more of? Less of?

Please add your comments below. Or you can email your comments to me – danny@thecompanyrocks.com

Take Note!

obama-takes-notes-at-debate.jpg As I watched the televised debate between Senators Clinton and Obama, I was struck by one particular piece of “stage craft.” I found it to be annoying. It distracted my attention from what was actually being said. What was it?

Senator Obama was diligently writing notes every time that Senator Clinton spoke – at least during the first 45 minute segment. Why was he doing this?  Surely he had prepared his remarks and rebuttals ahead of time. At this point in the campaign, he had to have heard Senator Clinton’s arguments, stump speeches and 9-point plans ad nauseum. Very little new ground was being broken during the debate. So why was he so preoccupied with his note taking?

It’s simple really! The answer is, it was “staged!” Barack Obama wanted to avoid two things:

  1. Looking directly at Hillary Clinton as she spoke – I felt that his note-taking distracted my attention from her words.
  2. Reacting physically to her comments – he did not wish to convey his agreement with, surprise at or anger about any of her comments. His body language probably would have conveyed defensiveness and weakness had he not kept himself busy scribbling his notes as his opponent spoke.

Was this effective? Perhaps. Several professional observers have commented on Obama’s unconscious physical reactions when he is criticized. He winces noticeably. He tends to withdraw. He looks pained. He looks less than confident.

But the good news is… at least he stopped “raising his hand” asking permission from the moderator to speak! For that reason alone, the diligent note taking was an improvement.

Why does body language matter? Here’s why: Continue reading “Take Note!” »

The Video Does Not Lie

“Auditioning in a Video Resume” – that is the title of the article in yesterday’s NY Times. (Click here for access to the complete article.) Your resume on a video? Say it isn’t so! Today, I noticed that it was the most emailed article on the Times’ website. So, obviously, this strikes a nerve – and possibly gives people an edge on their competition.

Continue reading “The Video Does Not Lie” »

The Power of the Pause

I developed a new training program to help clients improve their public speaking techniques. Its called “Make Your Presentations Sing!” Earlier this week I presented it for members of the Long Beach Nonprofit Partnership. As part of the training, I have my audience listen to several musical examples to clarify my point. Points include: story telling, vocal range, timbre, emphasis, breathing, phrasing, etc.

One of the most overlooked presentation techniques is – The Pause. As in “The Sound of Silence.” – You remember that Simon & Garfunkel’s classic song – “Listen to the sound… of silence.”

Far too many speakers talk too much and they lose the attention of their audience because they forget to pause.

Far too many writers use too many words – their text is too dense. They forget to pause – to use the “white-space” on the page to give more power their prose.

Far too many sales opportunities are lost because the salesperson talks too much – they neglect to use the power of the pause.

We are all guilty of this – to a greater or lesser degree. When is the last time you heard someone pause during a television interview or “debate?” Anyone who dares to pause for effect will never regain the opportunity to get another word in during that segment!

Salespeople are their own worst enemy. The can not stand to hear silence! So, rather than pay attention to their customers’ reactions and observe their body language, they barge ahead and fill the vacuum of silence – with their own voice. To what result? Frequently, they end up talking themselves out of the sale!

The same thing can happen during presentations. Inexperienced speakers “panic” during periods of silence. They worry that they are having a memory lapse. In their mind, the silence lasts for minutes – not seconds. They dare not look out at the audience for fear that they will see boredom – or people leaving. And so it gets worse. The speaker is now panicked – and they speed up, And, as a result, they lose more of their audience!

“A wise person once said that there is, in any good speech, a greater message in the pauses than in the words that surround them”

– Excepted from “The Articulate Executive” by Granville N. Toogood

To illustrate this point during my training, I play Tony Bennett’s interpretation of the Irving Berlin song, “When I Lost You.” I could not find it at the i tunes store. But it is from Tony’s 1987 Album “Bennett / Berlin” and it is sung “a cappella” which means singing without instrumental accompaniment. It is a great example of “The Power of the Pause” to establish a mood, to emphasize your point, to impart a memorable message. Try to locate this track. If you are not moved by the power of this performance, … Trust me, this is worth worth your time and money!

In Timothy Koegel’s book, “The Exceptional Presenter,” he cites a UCLA Study by Dr. Albert Mahrabian that revealed: Continue reading “The Power of the Pause” »