How to Use Multiple Sorting Options in Excel

Sort Using Cell Icons

Sort based on Cell icons in Excel

Beginning with Excel 2007, the Sorting Commands gained several new features and became much more powerful. For example, you are no longer limited to three levels of sorting. You can sort using as many levels as you need. In addition, you can now sort by Cell or Font Colors and also sort using the new Cell Icons.

While I was training one of my clients last week, several questions about sorting came up. So, in this video I will demonstrate several of the new features as well as showing you how to take advantage of many sorting options that have been around for some time. For example, using a Horizontal Sort to quickly rearrange the order of your columns!

Sorting Options on Video Tutorial

Here are the sorting options that I demonstrate on my video:

  • Sort on Values using a Custom List
    • First, I use a built-in custom list (Months of the Year).
    • Next, I demonstrate how to create a custom list that you can use with AutoFill and also with custom sorting.
  •  Sort data based upon Cell Icon
    • Cell Icons were introduced in Excel 2007 as part of the major upgrade to Conditional Formatting.
  • Sort Horizontally to quickly rearrange the order of your columns (fields) in your data set.
    • This feature has been available for many years. However, in my experience, very few people are aware of its existence.
    • Once you  learn this technique, you can stop the tedious task process of Insert Column, Cut Column, Paste Column, Delete Column, etc.

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Follow this link to watch my video in High Definition on my YouTube Channel – DannyRocksExcels

How to Sort Using a Custom List in Excel

What happens when you sort a list of Months in the Year in Ascending Order? You will get “April, August …, etc.” And that, I guarantee, is not what you want! So, how do you get the list to sort as “Jan, Feb, Mar, … etc.?

Sort Using a Custom List

Sort on Custom List

Sort on Custom List

The months of the year and the days of the week are Custom Lists that are built into Excel by default. You can also create your own Custom Lists – e.g. a list of department in the order that you want to see them displayed. Once you have a Custom List saved in Excel, you can choose to sort using this order.

Watch this short video lesson to see how to create a Custom List and also how to Sort Using a Custom List in Excel.

High Definition, Full Screen Mode on YouTube

Here is the link to watch this video on my YouTube Channel – DannyRocksExcels

Learn More About Custom Lists in Excel

I have identified “Creating Custom Lists to AutoFill and Sort By” as an Essential Skill in Excel. I have created a four-hour comprehensive video training package that covers the “Nine Essential Skills in Excel.”  Click on these links to learn more about my video training resources:

Learn how to create nested subtotals

Here are the steps to follow in this video lesson:

  1. Sort your data before creating your 1st Subtotal (Data, Subtotals, etc.)
  2. Create your 2nd (“nested”) Subtotal – remember to choose a different field for “At each change in:”
  3. Uncheck the “Replace current subtotals” box.
  4. Before you can “copy and paste” your 2nd level subtotal outlined view click – Edit, Go to, Special, Visible cells only” – or use the Keyboard Shortcut Alr+;

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News! My DVD, “The 50 Best Tips for Excel 2007” is now available to purchase. I invite you to visit my online bookstore for more details.

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